Check out these training programs and free marketing resources!
How to Create a B2B Marketing Strategy
Creating an effective B2B (business-to-business) marketing strategy involves several steps and considerations. Here's a general framework to help you develop a B2B marketing strategy that you can use to grow your business in the green energy industry.
Seven B2B Marketing Strategies
There are several effective B2B (business-to-business) marketing strategies that can help DC CBEs promote their products or services to prime contractors, the DC government, and other businesses. Download this free resource to lean about some commonly used strategies.
Train Green SEICBP
The Train Green Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Capacity Building and Pipeline Program (Train Green SEICBP) is a new training, credentialing, and certification program for District Certified Business Enterprises (CBEs) and/or CBE-eligible firms. This program is designed to assist CBEs and CBE-eligible firms in acquiring new or enhanced skills and knowledge around energy efficiency and renewable energy design, construction, inspection, and maintenance.